Thursday, May 22, 2014

New grad needing a new car? Make sure you do these 3 things.

Establish a Budget

When coming up with a budget for your car, consider all your monthly costs including rent, bills and student loans. This will help you stay within the limits of what you can afford so you don’t get in over your head with payments. Setting realistic goals will help you manage other financial areas, too.

Take your Time

Don’t rush the process. Look at as many cars as you want and take notes (you should be a pro by now!) so you can remember all the important facts. Car and Driver advises you not to purchase your car on the first visit. Take at least a night to think about your decision. You’ll be driving this new car for several years – you should be comfortable and happy with your decision.

Take a Test Drive

During your test drive, be sure to test the brakes and lights while driving on both slow roads and busy freeways. Don’t forget to check out the passenger seats. The more time you spend with a car during a test drive, the more accurate your evaluation will be.

Monday, May 12, 2014

One Feature By Volvo Every Parent Should Own

As its name suggests, the concept is an inflatable rear-facing child seat. It features ground-breaking technology from the Swedish automaker. Not only does Volvo say it is safe and easy to carry, but it will enable parents to use it in situations that aren’t typically practical for the traditional child seat.

Inflatable in just 40 seconds, the seat only weighs 11 lbs. and features an innovative pump system that is silent and efficient in its construction. It can also be deflated with an integrated pump that can be controlled via a Bluetooth connection. Perhaps one of the biggest draws, the seat is compact enough once deflated to fit into a weekend bag.

Courtesy: AutoGuide